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3 hour mountain safety classes - on ski touring or split boarding equipment to allow us to travel around in the mountains
40 euros each, max group size 5
TO BOOK: Please email info@avoriazalpineskischool with your name, phone number and chosen class (intro, refresher & time). You will be emailed a link to provide payment and confirm your place.
What to Expect
Mountain Safety training for skiing, snowboarding and touring off-piste
Group management
Transceiver training
Navigation and route choice
Snow profile checks and snowpack analysis
Avoriaz Alpine Ski School hut - beside Folie Douce on le Plateau
Normally 9:30-12 & 13-15:30 - dates are announced each Thursday for the following week - Please check our facebook page.
Please note our instructor's schedules are flexible this season - if you cannot attend the times we have suggested, feel free to suggest another date/time to us
What to bring:
Touring kit: Boots (don't have to be touring specific but must be compatible with your touring bindings), touring skis, touring bindings and skins.
Mountain safety kit: Transceiver, shovel and probe. (We can provide this if you don't have it)
Clothing: Normal skiing kit is fine especially lightweight stretchy layers, spare layer for the descent, hat and sunglasses for going up.
1 litre of water and a packed lunch.
A rucksack to fit everything in.
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